Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Fun Life of a Mother

Well heres another update of my crazy life. Im in New Mexico living at my brothers for now. My boyfriend, Steve, and I are working our butts off to get a house and me a car. Basically to get our own life back. Damian is in school. He started Kindergarden this year and is so excited. He loves school. Javen and Riley are at home still, but we (Steve and I) are thinking of putting Javen in private school so he can have friends and start to interact with other kids his age. Riley will be put in daycare while Im working. In January I will be starting school again. Going back to finish what I started 2 years ago. Im so excited to be going back to school. I will be taking 6 classes for spring semester. CNA (again :( ), Pharmacology, EMT, Medical Terminology, English and College Geometry. Then fall semester I will be taking my LPN classes and Paramedic. Im hoping to get caught up and up to my RN classes within 2 years. Then after RN I can find a great medical school.
Thanks for Stopping By.